Technology Research & Analysis Get tailor-made technology research reports from over more than 100 technology areas, life sciences, pharmaceutical, energy, robotics, electronics, consumer goods, aerospace, automotive and more. Choose one or more of our services from the list below...

Technology Research Solutions

Technology Landscape: Problem solving is the act of finding available solutions by analyzing patents, scientific literature, products, regulatory guidelines etc. We screen and rank possible solutions to recommend the ones that can best solve your problems.
Technology Database: While working on innovation it is important to know what information is available in the form of patents, literature etc. To overcome this challenge we can develop comprehensive database and host it on our analytics online dashboard - PatView.
Competitive Intelligence: We provide technology and market intelligence using our sector specific expertise to help you make critical decisions for business success. This includes analyzing patents, literature, products, market and financial data.
Technology Collaboration: Collaboration among startups, SMEs & MNCs in life-cycle of relevant technology is shared to give an indication about major players in market. News, shareholders briefings, mergers, acquisitions & ownership transactions citations are reported.
TRIZ Analysis: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving employs a systematic process to comprehend the problems disclosed in IP, patents and literature pertaining to the technical field of interest and to provide a substantial set of innovative solutions.
Technology Trends: Analysis of data on innovation activities to track the advancement of emerging technologies in various fields. Some of the important outputs include growth trends, geographical distribution, the technology landscape, top companies, and inventors.
SWOT Analysis: It is a useful tool for business planning, technology innovation direction, competitor benchmarking, product development and R&D. We can conduct SWOT on your own (patent & products) portfolio or of your competitors to provide valuable insights.
Technology Scouting: Innovative companies scout for external partners and good ideas outside to drive innovation. We can search and recommend startups, universities or research institutes to help create an external network to support your development efforts.
Technology Gap Analysis: Gap analysis is used to locate gaps by comparing where you are against where you would like to be. We identify gaps between these two states and recommend actions to close them by researching actionable solutions from patents & literatures.
Emerging Technologies: This solution focuses on identifying new and potentially powerful technologies that can help organizations achieve business growth. We recommend new technologies and ensure to provide early insight into the most exciting innovations.
Technology Monitoring: We can keep a constant technological eye on relevant technologies or companies to support innovation and R&D activities. It can involve gathering and processing large amount of data from journals, patents, web searches, products and conferences.
Open Innovation: Companies look out for ideas outside and leverage their inhouse R&D, processes and sales channel to bring them to market. We can help in identifying promising startups or universities' research that can be acquired, invested in or partnered for growth.


Scientific Literature: There is abundance of technical information available in the form of Research papers, Journal publications, experimentation conclusions, technical reports, peer reviews, manuscripts, encyclopedias, white papers, books and online Libraries. This section involves the comprehensive analysis of all such scientific and technical literature pertaining to the technology of interest. We will analyze relevant facts and figures with an aim to find desired solution or information.
Product Research & Manuals: This comprises a thorough investigation of finding products similar to the area of technology interest. The search is carried out over multiple international and local e-commerce platforms, trade shows, product databases etc. This research could aid in further innovation of the product(s) and discovering new concepts that can be incorporated to existing product line. The product manuals or information provided over the company website are also inclusive of an in-depth product research.
Regulatory Guidelines: Includes the listing of all the technology specific standards, laws, rules and regulations put forth by Government and Regulatory authorities (such as WHO, ESMA, ECE, ITU, etc.) within the territory of interest. These guidelines pertain to, but not limited to, given technology’s manufacturing, processing, storage, marketing/ sales, and shipment. Compliance applicable to the technology are also offered in this section.
Blogs & Forums: Other than the scientific literature, blogs & forums are the next best thing to compile information corresponding to the technology of interest. Both platforms offer user/speaker oriented discussions among peers or community, and even allow public communication via questions and comments. This mode of crowd sourcing allows any individual(s) to put forth a topic of discussion or their scientific opinions with a goal for anyone to respond the same, which can be collected and analyzed to find solution/ information.
Conferences & Trade Shows: Public or private events provide key opportunities of networking among a specific industry. These platforms allow companies or vendors to explore new product offerings and exchange of information. Secondary research on such information sources can from these platforms can provide information on recent developments in the market, product prototypes, list of potential collaborators or licensees, and new ideas that can be helpful.
YouTube & Demo Videos: In current market, multimedia platforms have become the add-on stages to disseminate information about the technology, invention or product. The ease and readability offered by these platforms allows inventor(s) to publish videos about their inventions/ product, which could be either explanatory or tutorial in nature. This makes platforms like YouTube great source to investigate and gather relevant technological information.
App Stores: Presently, most of the technology-oriented products/ innovations also include an IoT interaction associated with them. Further, most of these smart-devices are operational via an ‘App’. There are countless applications available over (Apple’s) App stores or (Android’s) Google Play. These apps might provide add-on value and be source of relevant information/ technology.
News & Announcements: The search on news databases and aggregators helps in searching and providing access to news and announcements pertaining to technology, market, government or business news. This is important in gathering information related to the project being conducted and track new or paste developments.
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