Competitive Intelligence is the process in which a company gathers and analyzes information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and products intending to direct its future strategy. To understand & analyze competitors’ business, Signicent assists by providing company profiles in the business, their decision-making process, their competition, size, revenue, and market position, stakeholders, market strategies deployed, mergers and acquisitions and other information required to evaluate the market of a company.

Company Profiling

A company profile is a professional introduction of the business which provides the historical description of a firm, its structure, resources, rate of performance as well as its reputation.

Signicent provides company profiles in the business, their decision-making process, their competition, size, revenue, market position, stakeholders, market strategies deployed, mergers and acquisitions and other information needed to evaluate the market of a company.

Company Share Analysis (CSA)

A company’s market share is analyzed by calculating its sales as a percentage of the industry’s total revenues. It comprises the top players involved in the market contributing the maximum to the market share of the industry.

We dive deeper into the business to analyze other market players’ business, their decision-making process, market strategies deployed, stakeholders and intelligent insights on mergers and acquisitions to evaluate the business of a company. We create an elaborate company shares analysis with the help of our experience in primary and secondary research.

Potential Partners

Any person to whom the Company offers or proposes to sell any service provided by the Company, including any Person who was identified by the Company as a potential Partner and to whom the Company attempted to propose, market, or sell services.

Competitive intelligence provides an extensive view of those companies/ competitors relevant to the technology under consideration to expand the market by finding top-notch potential partners. CI helps in understanding the opportunities & challenges presented to a business within its competitive atmosphere.

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